Preceptor Training for Nursing Home Administrators
We are pleased to sponsor this Oregon state-approved training program for Nursing Home Administrators. And you don’t have to wait to get started!
The state-approved Preceptor Training Program includes the following components:
- An online NAB Preceptor Training available here. The four-module online Preceptor Training is developed by the National Association of Long-term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA). Each module is approved for 1.25 NAB CEUs, for a total of 5 CEUs. Please provide LeadingAge Oregon with the certificate of completion before moving to Component 2. Send your certificate to [email protected].
- Webinar/consultation on Oregon-specific rules and forms for Preceptors and AITs. Register here for the Oregon-specific portion. This part of the training will be set up for a time agreeable to those participating. There are no CEUs associated with this portion of the program. Fee for LeadingAge Oregon members $129 and non-members $159.
Questions? Call LeadingAge Oregon - 503-684-3788